2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Castle Malting® Specialty Malts 

Booth 15058


Founded in 1868, Castle Malting® is the oldest malting company in Belgium and one of the oldest family–run malting companies in the world. Successfully combining traditional and modern expertise the company produces a full range of base and specialty malts, applying the best practices for minimizing the environmental impact of the production process.

With its innovative roasting facilities Castle Malting® produces a wide range of caramel and roasted malts with exceptional taste and aroma properties. The unique engineering design of our roasting facility allows us to obtain the following advantages for our malts:

-even more flavor

-a higher caramelization rate

-less bitterness and astringency in higher colourations

The premium quality of the more than 80 types of base and specialty Château malts is the guarantee of success for more than 2700 brewers in 150 countries worldwide.

Product Categories

- Malt / Specialty Malt