Summer Fancy Food Show 2016

Barkeater Chocolates, LLC 

Booth 4714

North Creek, NY  
      United States

We get it - there are many artisan chocolate companies, and hundreds of them are exhibiting right here at the Summer Fancy Food Show. To seek us out in a sea of 2500 exhibitors is like trying to win a NASCAR race in a zamboni. 

So why Barkeater Chocolates? For starters, we have a strong, loyal fan base of people who get jazzed about our brand. Our confections are made by actual human hands in a factory that people can drive by without needing top level security clearance. They can even shop at our factory store, watch a video, visit our exhibit room and ask intelligent questions. And if they're lucky, they can pick up their favorite chocolate bar at their local retailer. 

But that's not enough to make you stop by booth 4714. Do a search for "chocolate" and you'll come up with 279 companies that are selling something delicious with chocolate as its main ingredient. In fact, that's probably how you landed on our page. Lucky for us, you are only through the "B's" and haven't gotten tired of reading through all the specialty food profiles yet.

We could tell you that we're all natural. Made in small batches. Non-GMO. Naturally gluten free. However, you already know that. Because those qualities have been boasted by at least half of the exhibitors here.

So why are we so exceptional? We're not. You are.

We'll make sure you don't overbuy, run out of stock or alienate your customers by selling a mediocre product.  Not every relationship is a match made in heaven, but you won't know unless you try. So stop by, take a taste of one of our 6 Barkeater Bars, including our new chocolate bar, "Quinoa Ka-Pow!" Or, maybe try your hand at one of our barks or peanut butter cups. You won't be disappointed.

Now for the bragging...

Founded in 2008, Fancy Food Exhibitor since 2013. Winner of the 2014 SBA Business Excellence Award and 2015 Best of the Adirondacks, Barkeater Chocolates is known for its great chocolate at a reasonable price. We're full of good ingredients, not ourselves.

Product Categories

- Chocolate: Chocolate Bars
- Chocolate: Chocolate Truffles
- Chocolate: Full Line
- Chocolate: Other Chocolate

- Gluten-Free
- Organic/Natural