Summer Fancy Food Show 2018

Ajwa for Food Industries (Orouba - Basma) 

Booth 2007


Orouba AgriFoods Processing Co. ( Basma ) is a subsidiary of AJWA is located at  Obour city in Egypt, where a huge and a high-tech factory provided with the latest machinery and equipments was established mainly for producing Frozen among which Okra , Molokhia , Spinach , Artichoke , Peas , Peas & Carrots , Mixed Vegetables , Vegetables Soup , Green Beans , Broccoli ,  Broad Beans , Cauliflower , Vine Leaves , Colcasia , Strawberry , Pomegranate , Falafel …etc 

AJWA FOR FOOD INDUSTRIES Co. –EGYPT (MIGOP) as one of the major companies founded in Egypt for processing and packaging all types of ghee & oil.

Product Categories

- Frozen Vegetables