Summer Fancy Food Show 2018

Khea's Cookies, LLC 


Manhasset, NY  
      United States

Launched since 2017, Khea's Cookies has been attracting the attention of the local community for the last twenty years! Over these years, town members have asked, "Are these Khea's Cookies?" or would say, "These are Khea's Cookies!"  Humbled by the community support and by the clean plate that has always been left on any dessert table,  Khea Williams has decided to roll out all of her original chip flavors under the company name, Khea's Cookies.

Khea's Cookies sells eleven gourmet chip flavors wholesale and retail.  Every cookie is made with natural ingredients, mixed into delicous and unique cookie flavors. Every batch of Khea's Cookies has that homemade taste that is only made with love.  Khea is most known for her signature chocolate chip cookie, Chocolate Chip Delight.  Other cookie flavors are: Pretzels, Toffee, Chips...OH MY!, Mint Chocolate Chunk Madness, Pure Peanut Butter Chip, Cool Coconut Chip, Crunchy Caramel Chip, Fall's Pumpkin Pecan Chip, Holiday Fruit Chip, Rocky Mountain Oatmeal Chip, Vanilla Lover Chip, and Chocolatey Chocolate Chip

Currently, Khea's Cookies is working on developing both a Gluten-Free line and a Vegan line of cookies.

Khea's Cookies sells online at and can also be found in gourmet stores and other venues in her two grass-roots markets of Manhasset and Rockville Centre, New York.

Khea's Cookies is thrilled to be a part of the New Brands on the Shelf Pavilion Show.  Please stop by for a cookie treat!

Product Categories

Baked Goods
- Baked Goods: Full Line
- Cookies

- Organic/Natural

- Other Snacks
- Snacks: Full Line