PCBC 2019

Keynote starts at 8:30 AM in Esplanade Ballroom

Keynote: Alison Levine, On the Edge: Leadership Lessons from Everest (8:30 AM – 9:30 AM, Esplanade Ballroom) - Polar explorer and mountaineer Alison Levine is no stranger to extreme environments. She has survived sub-zero temperatures, hurricane force winds, sudden avalanches…and a career on Wall Street. Alison served as team captain of the first American Women's Everest Expedition, climbed the highest peak on each continent, and skied to the North and South Poles. With stunning imagery from her expeditions, Alison will deliver a resounding leadership message on how progress can be made going backward, why egos are a good thing, how complacency can kill you, and how to make crucial decisions on the spot when the conditions around you are far from perfect.
From: PCBC Updates
08:10 AM
31 May 2019