Euro Attractions Show 2019

Amusement parks, more than 1.5 million Italians in 2019 will buy a ticket at a dynamic price

In 2019 more than a million and a half Italians will buy tickets at a price set by artificial intelligence thanks to Dynamitick technology.

Dynamitick conquers the world of Italian parks with Acquario di Genova, Aquafan, Zoom Torino and many others.

Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms make the price dynamic, help to improve the performance of the park and allow customers to save money. 

Milan, 10 June 2019. The season of water parks and amusement parks comes alive and the dynamic ticket of Dynamitick is confirmed among the main trends of this 2019.
The startup founded in 2016 in Milan confirms its leadership in providing dynamic pricing services also in the parks sector. 

The first water park in Italy to use Dynamitick algorithms to establish the price of admission was Acquasplash Franciacorta in the summer of 2017, while Zoomarine became the leader among the large structures last year, closing the season with an increase in attendance of around 15% and with +105% in online sales, establishing itself as the first edutainment park in Central and Southern Italy. 

Starting this season, other excellent facilities such as the Acquario di Genova, the Acquario di Livorno and Aquafan (Costa Edutainment), the Zoom Biopark in Turin, the Biopark in Rome and Aquafelix have decided to rely on Dynamic Pricing. 

In total, therefore, in 2019 will be more than 1.5 million tickets sold in Italian parks with the words "dynamic ticket". 

"Price discrimination with the support of artificial intelligence for a park is essential to predict the flow of demand and adapt its price to real market demand, even in cases where it is influenced by factors that are not under the management of the park as the weather - says Federico Quarato, CEO of Dynamitick - The entertainment industry is constantly growing thanks to the proper use of new technologies. We are proud to be at the side of so many parks in our country. 

A dynamic ticket is a coupon whose price varies with changes in certain conditions such as the weather, holidays, open attractions, user ratings on social networks, the filling of the park and the advance with which you buy the ticket, always within a minimum price and a maximum price set at the beginning of the season. Thanks to the dynamic price, the park can offer customers the right ticket at the right price at any time. 

As witnessed by the overseas experiences of the entertainment leaders Disneyland, Universal Studios and Parques Reunidos and the first users in Italy, the dynamic price is a "win-win" choice that manages to meet the needs of park managers and visitors. 
As far as the structures are concerned, since the introduction of the dynamic price ticket, there has been a reduction in queues at checkouts thanks to an increase in online sales, a greater number of tickets sold with a more appropriate pricing and a better ability to predict flows during the season with the consequent optimization of staff. 
Thanks to the dynamic price, the power of the public also increases, as it has the possibility of choosing the day on which to visit the park according to the price it wants to pay and of saving up to 40% by purchasing well in advance or for days with less demand.

The dynamic price is appreciated not only by the parks but also and above all by their visitors. A survey carried out among the users of the Zoom Biopark in Turin, which from this year has chosen to adopt the dynamic price for admission tickets, shows that 35% of users have purchased online and 60% of these have done so with the aim of saving. 65% of the respondents also stated that they understood the functioning of the dynamic price and that they habitually evaluate the weather, the date and the price of the ticket before choosing to visit a park.  For 90% of the users interviewed at the exit of the park, the price of the ticket was consistent with their experience.