Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2019

Falcon's 40th Anniversary Giveaway

Falcon Publishing was born in 1979 in Helena, Montana, with just one book: Hiking Montana. Hundreds of books, tens of thousands of maps, and countless trips into the wilderness later, we're now North America's largest outdoor recreation publisher with over 1,000 active titles, a dedicated cartographer, and an enviable roster of expert authors. 

Join us in celebrating 40 years of outfitting your mind at Outdoor Retailer's 2019 Summer Show, booth 51020-UL, with a special anniversary giveaway from 4:00pm - 6:00pm on Tuesday, June 18th. We ask guests and visitors to show us that you follow us on Instagram (@falcon.guides) for a beer and a free book from our giveaway selection of new 2019 releases, while supplies last. 

We thank you for supporting Falcon Guides over the last 40 years. Here's to many more! 

- The Falcon Team