Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2019

INFINIT Nutrition Introduces COLD BREW Performance Coffee

Protein-packed functional cold brewed iced coffee joins INFINIT’s  Performance Café line of products


Cincinnati, OH, June 18, 2019 INFINIT Nutrition introduces a unique café-style product as the latest addition to their line of premium protein and recovery formulas. COLD BREW Performance Coffee is an exclusive blend of coffee brewed low and slow, lightly sweetened and blended with a hint of real cream, plus packed with 20 grams of premium grass-fed whey protein.


“We’ve taken the cold brew coffee craze to the next level with this new product,” Michael Folan INFINIT Founder and CEO explained, “It's Cold Brew… with benefits!”


Artisan picked coffee beans, carefully brewed at a low temperature over hours, provides COLD BREW with a deep smooth flavor that is characteristic of a high quality cold brewed coffee. The distinctive brewing process also provides its naturally high caffeine content — with 100mg of caffeine per 10 ounce serving.  

COLD BREW is blended with an exclusive whey protein isolate that is certified grass-fed, non-GMO, rBST and artificial hormone free. The premium protein is produced from the milk of dairy cows who have spent an average of 300 days grazing in Ireland’s lush pastures, and farmed with a special focus on animal welfare and environmental responsibility.


The café-style drink mix is perfect for a post-workout boost or a nutritious pick-me-up throughout the day. With less than 10 grams of cane sugar and only 135 calories per serving, it is a tasty, yet healthy choice for any coffee lover who might also be trying to increase their daily protein intake.

INFINIT Nutrition was started 15 years ago by a group of guys that were multiple IRONMAN Kona finishers, and has operated primarily as an endurance hydration and fueling company since its founding. The launch of COLD BREW is a continuation of the company’s diversification and expansion into the premium protein and recovery market and it joins their Performance Café line, alongside the popular MUD pre-workout and meal supplement.

Cold Brew - 18 serving bag - MSRP $48.95

Cold Brew - Single serving pack - MSRP $3.25


For more information on INFINIT Nutrition, or to check out the full Performance Café line of products, visit infinitnutrition.us.


About INFINIT Nutrition

For over fifteen years, INFINIT Nutrition has offered pre, during and recovery products designed to be complete performance nutrition solutions Eliminating the need for bars, gels or even food. Made with 100% all natural ingredients with zero artificial flavors, sweeteners or colors. The only isotonic all-in-one fuel!