National Stationery Show® Summer 2019

COURTGIRL Magazine Founder Launches Tennis Stationery & Gifts Line


To us it’s not ‘just tennis’… it’s an escape from our daily routine, an exhilarating way to stay active, an opportunity to learn about ourselves, and above all a chance to meet new unexpected friends. We want that lovin’ feeling to continue… We play, we gather and we celebrate in a way that connects us beyond the court. 

“I started playing tennis later in life. We moved to a house across a tennis club, and from my home office window I could hear the shrieks, expletives and laughter from the women playing. “What are they doing out there?” I wondered, while I was running a full-time design agency and having kids. I had to see for myself. Soon after I started playing, joined the club team and was completely hooked. You could safely say obsessed.

I wanted everything around me to remind of the fun I had playing tennis. It was so heartwarming when friends would give me tennis themed gifts and cards, because I thought… “wow, they get me, they care”. I also noticed, that there wasn’t much out there to choose from when it came to beautifully designed and inspirational tennis stuff.

Meanwhile, my love for tennis propelled me to launch COURTGIRL Tennis Magazine. Through COURTGIRL, we grew a community of women who play that spans from New York to Paris and beyond. We also became media partners with many professional tournaments including the US Open.

Our connections with these amazing women and experience within the tennis industry, gave us insight into all of our desire to become better players and people—our need to be connected on a personal level. I thought of that feeling I would get when friends would remember that I love tennis. This is when COURTGRIL Soirée was born…”— Marina Merzel, founder COURTGRIL Soirée

We hope that by creating beautifully designed, funny, joyous and inspirational social stationery and gifts to uplift and inspire, we can sprinkle good cheer that extends to every court.  

Come to our court as you are…a place where win or lose we have a great time playing. Cheers!

Let’s play and soirée!