2015 Annual Training Conference & Anti-Fraud Expo


Sessions (4)

Investigating Medicaid Fraud: The Health Plan Perspective (Room Coronado B)

18 Nov 15
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: AHFI Path, Fraud in Medicaid Program

Speaker(s): Briana Hollenbeck, CPC, MS, AHFI ; Janine Kumanchik, AHFI, HCAFA ; Tina Sinclair, CPC, AHFI
Investigating Medicaid fraud can be infinitely more complex due to more stringent regulations, rules differing vastly between states, and a populat... More...

An Ambulance Fraud Case Study (Room Coronado A)

18 Nov 15
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Fraud in Medicaid Program, Law Enforcement Path

Speaker(s): Michael Wysocki, CPA ; Stormy Kelly
The presentation will focus on a multifaceted investigation involving ambulance service providers and habilitation therapy centers. Investigators u... More...

Using Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data to Identify Fraud (Room Seaport H)

19 Nov 15
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Fraud in Medicaid Program, Law Enforcement Path

Speaker(s): Jaya Tripathi ; Judith Coffey ; Taya Fernandes
Making a prosecutable case against a pill-mill operator and its employees can be challenging. Because these cases always involve a practitioner who... More...

Hospice Storm Project: Identifying Hospice Fraud in the Medicaid Program (Room Seaport B)

19 Nov 15
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Fraud in Medicaid Program, Law Enforcement Path

Speaker(s): Christopher Covington ; David Delgado
The presentation will focus on the epidemic of hospice fraud in Mississippi with an emphasis on the 'Hospice Storm' project which seeks to ... More...