AISTech 2017


Sessions (5)

The Evolution of Crane Technology Committee Ambitions, Membership and Collaborations (Room 102A)

08 May 17
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Cranes

The Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers was organized in 1907. In October 1909, the Technical Report No. 6 was adapted, originally t... More...

Radiant Energy Heat Transfer With Safety Glass and Rolling Blue Shield (Room 102A)

08 May 17
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Cranes

we are still writing - we are not clear on the scope of the paper yet. Properties of Radiant energy and heat transfer with Safety Glass and newly ... More...

AC Sourced, DC Magnet Control (Room 102A)

08 May 17
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Cranes

AC-powered cranes do not need a DC source to operate a lifting magnet. This paper will present the advantages of AC power to control a DC lifting m... More...

A Review of Case Histories in Failure Analysis of Rails and Thermite Welds (Room 102A)

08 May 17
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Cranes

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a mechanistic overview of the various types of rail failures. The root cause failure analysis of the... More...

World-Class Performance of EOT Cranes of Steelmaking Plants Through Technology, Innovation and System-Based Maintenance Approach (Room 102A)

08 May 17
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Cranes

Tata Steel Jamshedpur is an 11-mtpa integrated steel plant having more than 100 EOT cranes in steel melting shops. These cranes are deployed for pr... More...