Federal Dispute Resolution 2018


Sessions (9)

ADR-P1 | Developing a Conflict Competent Organization (Room Sabal)

13 Aug 18
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Dawn Bedlivy JD ; Karen J. Dean MA, BA
An effective strategy for managing conflict is key for a healthy agency. It also needs to be competitive, manage risk well and be able to mini... More...

ADR-P9 | Can’t We Just Settle This? (Room Canary 3-4)

13 Aug 18
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Joseph Kaplan ; Donald J. Names
Most federal sector employment disputes at the EEOC and the MSPB are resolved through negotiated settlements, but there’s not much forma... More...

ADR1 | Inventing the Better Wheel: Rethinking Federal ADR in the 21st Century (Room Canary 3-4)

14 Aug 18
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Victor Voloshin
The world has changed since ADR was introduced to the federal government almost 30 years ago. And yet, many agencies still use the same method... More...

ADR2 | An Ounce of Conflict Prevention … (Room Salon J)

14 Aug 18
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Toby Guerin
Many organizations focus on the resolution of disputes through mechanisms such as mediation, coaching, ombuds and training. Although effe... More...

Shop Talk Networking Event & Refreshment Break (Room Royal)

14 Aug 18
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution, ATY – Attorney/Legal, EEO – Equal Employment Opportunity

Speaker(s): Robert Erbe ; Jo Linda Johnson ; Delia Johnson ; Denise McKenney ; Donald J. Names ; J. Douglas Whitaker
Join your colleagues for an opportunity to network and talk openly about your biggest challenges and discuss the hot-button issues in multiple disc... More...

ADR3 | How to Be a More Successful Advocate in Workplace Mediations (Room Sabal)

14 Aug 18
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Michael Wolf J.D.
Gain a better understanding of the critical distinctions between successful advocacy in workplace mediation versus litigation.  Learn what to ... More...

ADR4 | Getting It Right: Using ADR Techniques to Implement an Effective Interactive Process (Room Salon J)

15 Aug 18
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Kendra Duckworth Shock ; Victor Voloshin
The requirements for providing reasonable accommodations under the Rehabilitation Act are pretty clear. Yet, many struggle when it comes to the &ld... More...

ADR5 | Bullies, Big Shots and Bystanders (Room Canary 2)

15 Aug 18
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Tucker Miller Esq.
Abusive bullies, powerful big shots and passive bystanders can have a detrimental effect on mission success. These types of behaviors can infl... More...

ADR6 | Holding on to the Center During the Storm of Conflict (Room Salon J)

15 Aug 18
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Speaker(s): Phillis Morgan
How do you counsel, advise or interview employees in extreme distress without getting sucked into the maelstrom? When you get drawn into the d... More...