2019 Pittsburgh AISTech


Sessions (12)

Digital Assistance Tools and Remote Service Solutions for Electric Arc Furnaces (Room 315)

06 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Brigitte Laimer ; Richard Stadlmayr ; Thomas Reindl
Understanding electric arc furnace (EAF) plant digitalization includes the seamless interaction of equipment and smart automation with digital assi... More...

Maximize Asset Value Through Risk-Based Asset Management: Sharing an Approach for Building an Effective Asset Management Plan (Room 315)

06 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Gerald Ayling
To realize the Smelter 4.0 vision, an organization must first shift its mentality from viewing assets as consumable to embracing the notion that as... More...

A Revised Concept of Quality Performance Measurement (Room 315)

06 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Cesar Abreu ; Henrique Rohlfs ; Hugo Gonçalves ; Julio Cesar Ferreira
It is traditional in the steelmaking industry to measure a product's quality performance using the metallic yield concept; however, losses can be i... More...

Cloud-Based Process Management of Inspection Instruments (Room 315)

06 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Alex Thurston
Recent development of wireless-connected inspection instruments and cloud-based software solutions are enabling efficiency gains in the management ... More...

Industry 4.0 - The Evolution of Intelligent EAF Steelmaking (Room 315)

06 May 19
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Doug Zuliani ; Vittorio Scipolo
The recent development of smart technology and high-speed computer analysis is rapidly reshaping the traditional “seat-of-the-pants” EAF process in... More...

First Steps Toward the Fully Automated Steel Mill: From the Planning of Ladles to the Transport (Room 315)

07 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Felix Schuppert ; Jörg Thomasberger ; Krishnan Premanand ; Wolfgang Linden
The central logistics in a steel mill revolve around the subject “material transport.” This includes the hot metal ladle and the steel ladle transp... More...

Advanced Profile Control: Model – Optimization – Contour (Room 315)

07 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Alexander Thekale ; Christopher Gusek ; Jens Frenzel ; Marco Miele ; Martin Vogt ; Matthias Kurz
For profile and flatness control, on-line process models provide a detailed and validated description of roll stack deflection and material flow, i... More...

Optimization in the Steel Industry: Exact and Approximate Optimization Methods to Minimize Production Costs and Human Resources Allocation With Cloud Computing Methods (Room 315)

07 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Anderson Alves Tzitas ; Henrique Milagres Mesquita ; José Jurandir Alves Esteves Júnior
The process of allocating human resources with the appropriate level of competence demanded by the different stages of the productive processes of ... More...

Machine Learning Approaches for the Analysis of Non-Metallic Inclusion Data Sets (Room 315)

07 May 19
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Bryan Webler ; Mohammad Abdulsalam
One of the most prominent techniques used for of inclusion analysis is automated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy-dispersive ... More...

Analysis of the Effects of Oxygen Enrichment in a Reheating Furnace (Room 315)

08 May 19
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Armin Silaen ; Bethany Worl ; Chenn Zhou ; Jeffrey Cox ; Jianglin Fan ; Joe Maiolo ; Kelly Tian ; Kurt Johnson ; Larry Fabina
Reheating furnaces use an energy-intensive process to bring steel slabs up to a desired rolling temperature. In order to increase the efficiency of... More...

Cross-Site Data Integration, Unification and Exchange for Historical Analysis (Room 315)

08 May 19
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Historical data analysis along the full production chain across multiple plant locations for continuous improvement is a big challenge for steel mi... More...

A Raceway Model Based on Open-Source Software (Room 315)

08 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Computer Applications

Speaker(s): Bernhard König ; Christian Jordan ; Christoph Feilmayr ; Eva-Maria Wartha ; Franz Hauzenberger ; Markus Bösenhofer ; Michael Harasek
A generic open-source computational fluid dynamics model based on OpenFOAM® capable of evaluating the performance of alternative reducing agents (A... More...