2019 Pittsburgh AISTech


Sessions (42)

Behavior of Carbon in a Blast Furnace and the Use of Carbon Content in Hot Metal for the Monitoring and Control of the Ironmaking Process (Room 405)

06 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Michael Alter ; Robert Nightingale ; Yakov Gordon
A modern view on carbon transfer into blast furnace hot metal and empirical equations for saturated carbon content are presented. Carbon saturation... More...

Managing Titania-Bearing Products in Blast Furnace Ironmaking (Room 404)

06 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Arthur Cheng ; Ian Cameron ; Stuart Street
Titania-bearing minerals used in blast furnace ironmaking satisfy two needs: as a ferrous burden component and for hearth campaign extension. Littl... More...

Implementation of a Tuyere Leak Detection Soft Sensor on USS Blast Furnace No. 14 (Room 405)

06 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ian Cameron ; John Busser ; John G. Grindey ; Michael Bodley ; Mitren Sukhram ; Ralph Albanese ; Ravi Pula ; Yasser Ghobara
Leaking tuyeres damage hearth refractories, chill the hearth and cause production losses. U. S. Steel and Hatch implemented a soft sensor at blast ... More...

Study of Vaporized Water as a Root Cause for Undermining BF Hearth’s Heat Transfer System (Room 404)

06 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Biao Ouyang ; Xuewen Xiao ; Zhongping Zou
This paper analyzes the critical and restraining factors on the blast furnace’s hearth service life. It presents the viewpoints that the solidified... More...

Experimental Investigation of Hydrochar Injection to the Blast Furnace (Room 405)

06 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Chuan Wang ; Guangwei Wang ; Gunnar Westin ; Jianliang Zhang ; Jonna Almqvist ; Kaidi Wang ; Nan Zhang
An experimental study was performed to investigate the suitability of hydrochar for blast furnace (BF) injection. Three hydrochar samples originate... More...

Hearth Temperature Control at USS Blast Furnace No. 14 (Room 404)

06 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Brian Rogers ; Du Lee ; Ian Cameron ; Jason Entwistle ; John Busser ; John G. Grindey ; Kyle Chomyn ; Maher Al-Dojayli ; Michael Bodley ; Michael McCoy ; Mitren Sukhram ; Paul Towsey ; Ralph Albanese ; Rishi Midha ; Todd Schrenk ; Yasser Ghobara
In 2016, 10 years after the hearth was installed, blast furnace No. 14 experienced rapid hearth wall temperature increases under the three tapholes... More...

Blast Furnace Campaign Extension at JSW BF#3 (Room 404)

06 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Afshin Sadri ; L.R. Singh ; Mallikarjun L ; Mitchel Henstock ; Rajesh Anand ; Srinivas Rao ; Sunil Kumar ; Winnie Ying ; Yakov Gordon
Reliable and stable operation with longer blast furnace campaign allows an increase in utilization of blast furnace for production of hot metal. Pr... More...

Quantifying the Effect of Coke Layer Thickness on Permeability of the Cohesive Zone in the Blast Furnace by Using a New Simulator (Room 405)

06 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Jun Ishii ; Kazuhira Ichikawa ; Kiyoshi Fukada ; Taihei Nouchi ; Toshiyuki Hirosawa ; Yusuke Kashihara
A new apparatus called a cohesive zone simulator was developed. Coke slit layer thickness in a cohesive zone in a blast furnace is one of the impor... More...

Application of Heat Transfer Regularities to Control Wind Rate Among Blast Furnace Tuyeres (Room 404)

06 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Alekander Pavlov ; Andrey Polinov ; Nikolai Spirin ; Oleg Onorin ; Yakov Gordon
Uneven distribution of hot blast among the tuyeres leads to variation in raceway length, causing a difference in material descent and gas flow in v... More...

Investigation of High-Rate and Pre-Heated Natural Gas Injection in the Blast Furnace (Room 405)

06 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Chenn Zhou ; John D'Alessio ; Mitchell Klaas ; Samuel Nielson ; Stuart Street ; Tyamo Okosun
With the recent interest in high-rate natural gas (NG) injection in North America, it is necessary to further explore the impacts of such operation... More...

Potential Use of Agricultural Waste as Injecting Material in the Blast Furnace (Room 405)

06 May 19
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Alex Campos
Agribusiness production accounts for one-third of the world economy. From harvest until processing, agribusiness generates a great amount of waste,... More...

Pulverized Coal Feeding Vessels – Characterization and Optimization (Room 405)

06 May 19
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Christian Jordan ; Christoph Feilmayr ; Franz Hauzenberger ; Inês Isabel Antunes Paiva ; Johannes Rieger ; Markus Bösenhofer ; Michael Harasek ; Stefan Tjaden
Pulverized coal injection (PCI) into blast furnaces is state of the art for energy-efficient operation. In general, pressurized feeding vessels are... More...

VSB Blast Furnace Operation With High Productivity Using High Oxygen Enrichment (Room 404)

06 May 19
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ângelo Storti ; Christiano Gomes ; Claudio Musso ; Daniel Machado ; Gabreil Cândido ; Marcilio Gonçalves ; Mário Monteiro ; Paulo Almeida
As the demand for steel has increased and as scrap prices have increased, it became feasible to reactivate VSB's blast furnace No. 2 in April 2018.... More...

Blast Furnace Operation Improvement With Simultaneous Injection of Natural Gas and PCI (Room 405)

06 May 19
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Larisa Yu. Gileva ; Sergei Filatov ; Sergei Myasoedov ; Sergei Zaiganov ; Vladimir Titov ; Yakov Gordon
Theoretical analysis shows that high intensity of blast furnace operation and minimum coke consumption could be simultaneously achieved. With the i... More...

Carbonaceous Materials Transformation in Pulverized Coal Injection (Room 405)

06 May 19
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ka Wing Ng ; Louis Giroux ; Ted Todoschuk ; Xianai Huang
Using the injection simulation rig in CanmetENERGY, experimental works were conducted to examine the combustion behavior and carbonaceous material ... More...

Grindability of Solid Biocarbon (Room 405)

06 May 19
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ka Wing Ng ; Louis Giroux ; Ted Todoschuk ; Xianai Huang
Substitution of pulverized coal by biocarbon in direct injection of auxiliary fuel has the potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissio... More...

U. S. Steel - Gary Works' No. 14 Blast Furnace SOMA Installation (Room 405)

07 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Jason Entwistle ; Jean-Francois Stumper ; Mark Anthony ; Ralph Albanese
In 2017-2018, U. S. Steel Gary Works installed the SOMA system at its No. 14 blast furnace. The SOMA system provides a complete 2D top-gas tempera... More...

Understanding Blast Furnace Hearth Wall Temperatures to Support Operational/Maintenance Decisions (Room 404)

07 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Cameron Soltys ; Hamid Ghorbani ; Ian Cameron ; Kyle Chomyn ; Maher Al-Dojayli ; Mitren Sukhram
Blast furnace hearth refractory systems are exposed to high temperatures and harsh conditions during operation, causing refractory degradation that... More...

ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor East No. 7 Blast Furnace Casthouse Tapping Equipment Upgrades (Room 405)

07 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Anthony Gadzala ; James Bobek ; Jon Marsh ; Joseph Brunner ; Keith Martin ; Mark Anthony ; Romain Clesen ; Ryan Gawron
Between 2015-2017, ArcelorMittal upgraded its casthouse tapping equipment at the No. 7 Blast Furnace. The decision was made to upgrade the equipme... More...

Development and Application of “Green,” Environmentally Friendly Refractory Materials for the High-Temperature Technologies in Iron and Steel Production (Room 404)

07 May 19
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Edward Burns ; Giuliano Copetti ; Luca Folco ; Tina Štokelj
Blast furnace taphole clays, once mistakenly considered mere consumable materials, are now recognized as an integral component of the production pr... More...

Diagnostics, Optimization and Mathematical Models of Coke-Sinter-Hot Metal Production Process (Room 404)

07 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): G. Matveienko ; Nikolai Izumskiy ; Yakov Gordon
The hierarchy of mathematical models and subsystems to control blast furnace operation are described and results of their application for blast fur... More...

The Evolution of Blast Furnace Gas Cleaning Technologies (Room 405)

07 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Robert Horwood ; Robert Mawer
Since the “Davy Cone” was developed in the 1980s, Primetals Technologies has had a 40-year period of development and application of its gas cleanin... More...

Industrial and High-Capacity Production of Granulated Pig Iron (Room 404)

07 May 19
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Kristina Beskow ; Per Vesterberg
GRANSHOT metal granulation allows planned or unplanned excess pig iron from blast furnaces to be solidified within 30 seconds. The granulated pig i... More...

Precise Localization of Torpedo Transport Cars Through the Aid of Differential GPS (Room 405)

07 May 19
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Krishnan Premanand ; Malte Braam ; Wolfgang Linden
For economical operation of steel works, it is important to efficiently plan routes of the torpedo cars. Today's stationary detection methods have ... More...

Data Post-Processing for Above-Burden Infrared Camera (ABirC) System (Room 405)

07 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Charles Walpole ; Christopher Caplick ; Frank Huang ; Marcelo Andrade
In ArcelorMittal, Above-Burden Infrared Camera (ABirC) has been visualizing, in real time, the distributions and events of burden and top gas in bl... More...

Powder Metallurgy: Sintering Process by Alloy Hot Pressing (Room 404)

07 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Adriano Corrêa Batista ; Edna Mônica da Silva ; Gabrielle Christina de Carvalho Campolina ; Hellen Cristine Prata de Oliveira ; Marina Furbino Martins ; Paulo Santos Assis ; Priscila de Souza André ; Ricardo Abrahão Júnior
Sintering is a thermodynamic process out of equilibrium and thermally activated, in which the system of particles gains a coherent solid structure.... More...

An Innovative Approach for Utilization of Iron Ore Microfines (-150 microns) in Sintering (Room 404)

07 May 19
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Arvind Kumar Jaiswal ; Manjini Sambandam ; Marutiram Kaza ; Prabhat Kumar Ghorui ; Rameshwar Sah ; Satendra Kumar
The study presents an innovative approach for iron ore microfines (-150 microns) utilization in sintermaking as micropellets (2-6 mm). Sinter mix c... More...

Smart and Solid – The Digital Heart of Ironmaking (Room 405)

07 May 19
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Bruno Schwarzbauer ; Daniel Ulrich ; Dieter Bettinger ; Harald Fritschek ; Helmut Lindbichler ; Manfred Lehner ; Norbert Laister ; Roman Lamplmayr ; Wolfgang Braunschmid
Complex ironmaking processes require reliable automation with high performance and maintainability. Clearly structured systems, advanced programmin... More...

CISDI’s Blast Furnace Overhaul Technology and Practice (Room 405)

07 May 19
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Donglong Yu
A toolkit for blast furnace diagnosis and process optimization, core equipment and technology, and fast revamp construction will be presented. The ... More...

Digital Solutions for Modern and Efficient Ironmaking (Room 405)

07 May 19
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Christophe Solver ; Claude Meisch ; Fabrice Hansen ; Jean-Paul Simoes ; Stephan Weyer ; Yves Reuter
This paper describes the approach to and the status of implementation of digital solutions at an ironmaking plant in Germany. These include L2 auto... More...

Extruded Briquettes, a Complement to Sinter (Room 404)

07 May 19
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Mac Steele
Extruded Briquettes, a Compliment to Sinter More...

A Holistic Approach to Ironmaking Digitalization (Room 405)

07 May 19
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Dieter Bettinger ; Harald Fritschek ; Martin Schaler ; Richard Wollhofen ; Thomas Kronberger
The objective of holistic ironmaking technologies is to achieve the global optimum for all ironmaking processes rather than the individual optima f... More...

Optimum Strategies for Enrichment of Low Grade Iron Ore by Beneficiation in Context of Developing Countries (Room 404)

07 May 19
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): D.K. Khandekar
Nature is blessed with large recourses of iron ore in India with a mix of high and low grade ore quality. India ranks 5th in the world in iron ore... More...

Application of Big Data to Optimization of Blast Furnace Operation (Room 405)

07 May 19
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Gang Wang ; Hao Xie ; Jinsong Wang ; Xiao-dong Sun
This paper applies big data technology to analyzing the relationship between raw materials, operation and conditions in the blast furnace. It emplo... More...

A Revolution in Blast Furnace Cooling (Room 404)

08 May 19
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): D. Rudge ; Darren Kazmaier ; Dustin Vickress ; Ian Cameron ; Janice Bolen
Protecting copper stave coolers against wear is critical for extending blast furnace campaigns and reducing downtime. Traditional refractory materi... More...

Viscosity Modeling for CaO-MgO-MnO-SiO2-Al2O3 Molten Slags (Room 405)

08 May 19
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ramana Reddy ; Xuewei Lv ; Zhiming Yan
A structure-based viscosity model has been developed for the CaO-MgO-MnO-SiO2-Al2O3 system and its subsystems. The experimental data for the MnO-be... More...

Copper Stave Bending: Challenges, Management and Solutions (Room 404)

08 May 19
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): David Osborne ; Richard Harvey ; Robert Horwood ; Robert Mawer
Copper staves have now been used in blast furnaces for 40 years, and Primetals Technologies has had great success with this technology — in terms o... More...

Operation of the First HIsmelt Plant in China (Room 405)

08 May 19
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Neil Goodman
The first HIsmelt plant in China started up in 2016 and is producing 600,000 tpy of hot metal using iron ore fines and non-coking coals for lower c... More...

A Comparison Between Tuyere Core Types – Cooling Efficiency and Manufacturability (Room 404)

08 May 19
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): David Hughes ; Luke Sutherland
Three options for tuyere nose cores are commonly available when casting: sand, copper and glass. This paper investigates the effects of core type o... More...

Innovative Top Combustion Hot Stoves of Kalugin Design for High Technical and Environmental Performance (Room 405)

08 May 19
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Anton Subbotin ; Boris Prokofyev ; Lubor Kucera ; Marina Kalugin ; Maxim Aksyushin ; Sergey Ivlev ; Yury Murzin
Continuously growing competition in ironmaking, as well as toughening of requirements to environmental safety standards, requires application of in... More...

Application of On-Line Laser Detector of Burden Surface Profile on Chaoyang No. 1 Blast Furnace at AnSteel (Room 405)

08 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Baodong LV ; Deshun Hu ; Fan Zhang ; Guangwei Wang ; Hongyu Zhang ; Jianhua Dai ; Tai Gao ; Tianjun Yang ; Xiliang Liu ; Zhengkai Gao
A newly designed on-line laser detector system was applied on the Chaoyang No. 1 blast furnace (2600 m3) at AnSteel. Using two laser scanners and o... More...

Monitoring Blast Furnaces and Other Process Vessels by Acoustic Emission (AE) Monitoring Technique (Room 404)

08 May 19
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Afshin Sadri ; Winnie Ying
Acoustic Emission (AE) is an advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) and evaluation (NDE) technique that has been utilized to detect formation of cr... More...