2019 Pittsburgh AISTech


Sessions (4)

Influence of Different European Pilot and Laboratory Coke Ovens and Coking Conditions on Coke Qualities (Room 403)

07 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Cokemaking/Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Drazen Gajic
DMT currently participates in the European research project ESTIVAL (ESTImation of coal VALue-in-use in terms of coke strength after reaction (CSR)... More...

Experimental Research on Effect of Unburned Pulverized Coal on Coke Gasification Performance in Blast Furnace (Room 403)

07 May 19
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Cokemaking/Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Guangwei Wang ; Jianliang Zhang ; Peng Wang ; Wang Liang ; Yan-jiang Li
Coke gasification by carbon dioxide in the presence of unburned coal particles (UCP) has been investigated using a self-made, high-temperature gasi... More...

Incorporation of Biocarbon in Cokemaking via Partial Briquetting (Room 403)

07 May 19
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Cokemaking/Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Ka Wing Ng ; Louis Giroux ; Xianai Huang
Previous efforts have demonstrated that incorporation of loose biocarbon in a coking coal blend significantly reduces resultant coke quality. Hence... More...

Structural Change of Coke Structure During the Burden Descent in an Experimental Blast Furnace (Room 403)

07 May 19
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Cokemaking/Ironmaking

Speaker(s): Gerd Rantitsch ; Jakob Wiener ; Johannes Schenk ; Jürgen Pethke ; Ulf Fredriksson
During its descent inside the blast furnace (BF), coke is affected by chemical, mechanical and thermal conditions, which induce changes in its stru... More...