Resource and Project Energy Assessment 2019


Sessions (3)

A Holistic Approach to the Digitalization of Wind Energy

10 Sep 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Data Science and Digitalization

Speaker(s): Michael Purdue
The wind industry has already made progress digitalizing specific segments of the wind energy lifecycle. But, much remains to be done to reduce lif... More...

Data Driven Optimization of Curtailment Strategies Under Turbine Operating Constraints

10 Sep 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Data Science and Digitalization

Speaker(s): Jonathan Rogers
The collection of large meteorological data sets, when combined with on-site sensing, offers unique opportunities to increase power production thro... More...

Lessons Learned from the Share-03 Exercise of the Power Curve Working Group

10 Sep 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Data Science and Digitalization

Speaker(s): Joseph C. Y. Lee
The Share-03 exercise is the most recent intelligence-sharing exercise of the Power Curve Working Group, which focuses on advancing the modeling of... More...