AISTech 2017

Avoidance of Hazardous Substances via Low-Emission MgO-C Technology Shown with the Example of a Ladle Lining Refractory (Room 209C)

09 May 17
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Steel Ladle & Degasser Refractories

MgO-C bricks are well-established standard linings for nearly all major metallurgical vessels in steel mills due to their beneficial technical properties. One of their major drawbacks is the emission of odd-smelling and sometimes irritating substances during initial heat-up and occasionally during the first heats of the ladle. Some of these substances are considered hazardous when exceeding certain airborne concentration limits. Increasingly tight health and safety regulations and their fulfillment make the use of standard MgO-C bricks more and more difficult, and require the development of new technologies. This paper presents recent trends and developments in MgO-C technology, compares these different technologies and outlines future MgO-C technologies.