AISTech 2017

Cold Coal Agglomeration for Increasing Coke Plant Productivity (Room 209B)

09 May 17
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Alternate Cokemaking: Coal Compaction, Briquetting & Reverts

New environmental laws are emerging and being applied more rigorously. In this sense, briquetting has become an alternative to fine particles agglomeration by means of pressure, with or without the aid of a binder, which obtains a product not only compressed, but with the proper shape, size and adequate mechanical properties. The reduction in volume of the material in some cases also allows fine materials to be transported and stored more economically, safely and effectively. The production of coke increases as the content of better coking coal increases; thus the low-capacity coking coal is not much used in coke ovens. This research aims to demonstrate that briquetting of mineral coals with low coking coal capacity is possible and allows for increased coke production, obtaining a better yield of coke. Briquetting becames a smart alternative for both economy and the environment.