AISTech 2017

Hot Blast Superheating — A Scalable Technology to Reduce Coke Consumption (Room 207D)

10 May 17
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Blast Furnace Stove Refractories & Operations II

The concept and benefits of retrofitting a cold blast mixer with plasma torches to heat hot blast air will be described. A "hot mixer" would top-up hot blast temperatures achieved during the stove firing cycle and eliminate the need for cold blast air mixing. The technology is scalable; implementation of just a few plasma torches will reduce coke consumption and GHG emissions. Candidate general arrangements for the hot mixer in the hot blast main will be described, as well as potential modifications to plasma torches for blast furnace service and strategies to service plasma torch units. Pre-conditions and preparations for a field trial will be described.