AISTech 2017

New Technologies for Maximizing Operational Flexibility of MIDREX® DRI Plants: Adjusting Product Carbon in MIDREX® DRI Products (Room 208B)

09 May 17
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: New Developments in DR Plant Operations

Currently there are several new MIDREX® DRI plants under construction or recently commissioned throughout the world, including the new voestalpine Texas plant in Corpus Christi. These new DRI plants employ cutting-edge technologies for better operational and product flexibility; this flexibility continues to be a key to the success of modern DRI plants and DRI/EAF steelmaking. The MIDREX process provides the operational flexibility needed to produce DRI with a wide quality range. Depending on the geographical location and the final intended use of the product, DRI produced by the MIDREX process can be tailored to optimize EAF operation at each location. This paper will review several scenarios of optimum DRI quality based on the EAF requirements, such as the availability of scrap and utilities, as well as how various DRI product specifications can impact productivity.