AISTech 2017

New Generation Laser Welder and Reference Project Introduction (Room 202A)

09 May 17
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Industrial Laser Welding, Surface Treatments & Gas Interaction During Casting of AHSS

Primetals Technologies has made an important R&D effort in the laser welder field. The last step was implementing the solid-state technology with laser cutting and welding. Since then, 12 welders have been manufactured by Primetals Technologies. After more than six years of industrial feedback, the results show a high level of performance and reliability with product weldability from silicon steel to high-strength steel with DP and TRIP grades and a constant cutting and welding quality. The operation enables a high reliability and optimized operator control, an optimum weld quality and geometry control, and a perfect strip centering. Some industrial results obtained in continuous processing lines recently installed in China will be discussed, along with highlights of the most interesting aspects.