AISTech 2017

Modern State of R&D in Stiff Extrusion (Room 208B)

10 May 17
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking & DRI

Stiff vacuum extrusion (SVE), a new agllomeration technology, has been successfully applied for the briquetting of natural and anthropogenic raw materials of the ferrous metallurgy.The results of the investigation of the extrusion briquettes' (BREX) metallurgical properties showed that they can be efficiently used as the charge components of blast furnaces (BFs), direct reduced iron (DRI) reactors and submerged electric arc furnaces (EAFs). The behavior of BREX under the reduction conditions has been investigated. The mechanism of the hot strength has been described.The examples of the industrial application of SVE for BFs and the results of the full-scale trials of SVE for DRI and ferroalloys production are presented in detail.