AISTech 2017

Improving Performances and Decreasing CO2 Emissions in Blast Furnaces Installations With High-Carbon DRI/HBI (Room 208B)

10 May 17
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Ironmaking & DRI

Optimization of the BF/BOF route from both productivity and environmental points of view is now one of the primary requirements not only for new installations, but also for existing ones. The integration scheme of the BF/BOF with an ENERGIRON DRP producing high-carbon DRI/HBI results in significant benefits for the integrated route, not only because of the optimized use of the COG and/or NG when used as energy supply for the DRP, but also because the DRI produced, at the required quality in terms of metallization and carbon, can be fed to the BF, thus optimizing operating conditions of both DR and BF systems. This allows increasing productivity and decreasing coke/PCI consumption while improving the environmental impact and maximizing profit.