AISTech 2017

Optimized Cost-Effective Production of Structural Hot-Rolled CSP Coils Through Proper Austenite Conditioning (Room 202A)

09 May 17
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Metallurgy, Processing & Characterization of AHSS

The production of hot-rolled coils by direct rolling of thin slabs at Nucor Steel Gallatin has evolved, covering a wide range of thicknesses and chemical compositions, including the successful production of high-strength, low-alloy structural Nb-based microalloyed steels. A properly developed practical model, MicroSim-CSPĀ®, was tailored to Nucor Steel Gallatin's mill characteristics. This paper describes the metallurgical logic of the model and the validation based on industrial data. Mean flow stress analysis using rolling force measurements and metallurgical predictions allows for model validation and process optimization. Extensive microstructural characterization was performed for this purpose, using electron backscatter diffraction analysis.