AISTech 2017

Optimized Steel Grade Transition Practice at JSW Vijayanagar (Room 205A)

10 May 17
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Tundish Optimization

In order to achieve long tundish sequences to reduce refractory cost, to improve caster yield, steel plant casting managers must schedule casting of different steel grades after another. But this transition process after a ladle change results in hybrid slabs that will be downgraded or sometimes scrapped, depending on the severity of the chemistry change. Thus it is important to determine the the intermix length to reduce these downgrades. JSW Vijayanagar and Vesuvius have reconsidered the influence of the ladle shroud design and submergence practice, the Turbostop™ impact pad geometry, the tundish profile design, along with optimizing casting processes to reduce the intermix length. In addition, grade transition predicting tools, based on both physical modeling and numerical simulations, have been evaluated and implemented by JSW Vijayanagar.