AISTech 2017

A Compact Mold Powder Diffuser With Built-In Optical Powder Thickness Measurement (Room 205A)

08 May 17
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Mold Powder Development

Steel quality is deeply related to the precise control of mold powder feeding and to the steel meniscus stability. To this objective, Ergolines integrated a dedicated optical sensor measuring the upper powder profile directly into a new-design powder diffuser. This compact configuration combines pneumatic powder feeding and optical powder thickness control in a non-invasive installation, requiring no mold machining nor suspended sensors. Field testing demonstrated the system reliability and sturdiness, even in the presence of dust and flames. Superior performance of the triangulation-based laser line approach with respect to traditional point lasermeters based on time-of-flight measurements was also proven.