AISTech 2017

Optimization of Gas-Based DRI Process for Decreasing the Production Cost of High-Quality Steel (Room 208B)

09 May 17
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: New Developments in DR Plant Operations

Direct reduced iron (DRI) is a valuable metallic feed that allows electric arc furnaces (EAFs) to competitively produce high-quality steel when prime scrap is not economical or not available at all. The DRI production cost is determined mainly by local factors, such as the cost of iron ore and the reducing gas, and by technological factors, such as the energy efficiency and iron ore to DRI conversion yield of the DR technology. To decrease the steel production cost, it is of fundamental importance also to properly optimize the quality of the DRI, the way it is delivered to the EAF, and the EAF design and operation. Based on data from operating plants and theoretical models, the present study case analyzes the optimum DRI-EAF configuration, both in terms of technological equipment design and process operation.