AISTech 2017

Oven Wall Pressure and Tumbler Strength From Sapozhnikov Plastometry (Room 209B)

09 May 17
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: New Developments in Cokemaking

Coking coals are classified as either expanding or contracting based on their Sapozhnikov Indices, and the different pressure regimes the semi-coke develops in. The indices, and the Romax reflectance of parent coal, are used to predict coke tumbler strength. Among test oven cokes, where wall pressure is known, textural configurations separate dynamic from calm environments in the oven. Commercial blends, where mixtures of coals are chosen for their overall contribution, and where softening takes place at different times, these textures and others can still be identified. Unplanned localized concentrations of the contrasting Sapozhnikov characteristics could be the cause of stickers in slot ovens.