AISTech 2017

Closing the By-products Recycling Loop at DRI Plants: Recycled iron Briquettes (RiB) (Room 208B)

09 May 17
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Direct Reduction Ironmaking III — DRI Raw Materials

Iron Units are of paramount importance to the steelmakers; for they are the main raw material used in the production of Steel. Throughout the steelmaking process there are several types of  “fines by-products materials” that contain different amounts of Iron Units, in the form of Fe+ or FexOx, which are normally sold to other industries or even dumped. Tenova HYL and Diproinduca have teamed up to offer steelmakers a value-adding solution to recycle these Iron Units into the direct reduction process and/or the melt shop facilities themselves.  This solution consists of a cold briquetting facility capable of producing briquettes made of a specific combination of Oxide Fines, DRI Sludge, DRI Fines, Mill Scale or EAF Dust with the right properties to be used as an alternative raw material charged directly into the shaft furnace and/or the electric arc furnace. Numerous basket tests have already been successfully performed in a Direct Reduction Reactor with excellent metallurgical and physical behavior of the briquettes produced; this solution will improve the overall yield of Iron usage in DRPs