MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Strategies for Physician Lawsuit Protection and Prevention (Room Ballroom A)

Physicians should be able to focus on quality patient care – not worry about potential lawsuits around every corner. This course will provide proven and effective strategies to prevent and protect against lawsuits; and will Identify sources of lawsuits physicians are exposed to such as failure/delay to diagnose, failure/delay to refer, negligence by staff/employees, premise liability, etc. and how to protect against them. Discover how physicians can protect 100% of their professional and personal assets from lawsuits. Ascertain how physicians should structure their practice and protect it along with their property and other personal assets in the event of a judgment exceeding liability insurance or an exclusion in a policy. Learn how to avoid the most common asset-protection mistakes and other serious problems that can result from operating as a sole proprietor. Recognize how physicians can minimize vicarious liability for the acts of other professionals and staff.