MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Break in the Exhibit Hall (Room Hall CD)

09 Oct 17
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

The Exhibit Hall is filled with industry experts. It’s the perfect place to discover and compare the latest solutions for your practice. With more than 300 companies represented at this year’s annual conference you’ll find experts representing the solutions you need to run a successful healthcare organization.

Here are our top four networking tips:

  1. Think about the future. Look beyond your immediate needs. As your career and practice needs change, so will your contacts and business needs.
  2. Have a plan. Use the Exhibit Hall floor plan located within the Itinerary Builder and/or the mobile app to preview the exhibitors that you wish to visit. Save those companies to your personalized exhibitor list.
  3. Take notes. As you talk with exhibitors, take notes. Your notes will help you remember everything that you learn. You can utilize the mobile app to store your notes.
  4. Need to connect after the conference? Use the MGMA Vendor Directory, a comprehensive, searchable, online directory at to find solutions for all your vendor needs.

Special Thanks To Our MGMA Executive Partners and MGMA17 Conference Sponsors 

The Medicus Firm (Booth 1119), MGMA BestPrice (Booth 1545) and Navicure (Booth 503)

athenahealth (Booth 1103), CareCloud (Booth 1215), Change Healthcare (Booth 319), Health Business Navigators (Booth 1544), Humana (booth 403) and IBM Watson Health (Booth 1409)