MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

I Am More Than My Balance (Room Room 304)

10 Oct 17
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM

Tracks: Enhancing the Patient Relationship

Just as everyone has a very personal healthcare experience, each has financial needs and preferences that affect how, when and if they pay their bill. No two patients are the same, and it's time the patient billing and payment process accounted for those differences. This session will look at industry trends and the current challenges that healthcare providers face relating to patient financial engagement, and why the same cookie-cutter billing process just won't cut it anymore. We'll explore new methods that leverage proven communication techniques. We'll explore how patient diversity, including generational factors, financial considerations, and past payment behaviors, impacts how likely patients are to pay. Then we'll share strategies about how to leverage patient data to make financial communications more personalized, more appropriate and more effective.