MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Quality Driven Support Systems for Providers (Room Ballroom B)

10 Oct 17
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM

Tracks: Practice Transformation - Brave New World

Now more than ever, providers are faced with duties beyond clinical care while managers are tasked with fostering an environment to improve quality and reduce costs. In this session, learn about a unique provider support program that helps mitigate EMR challenges while serving as a scaffold to align with various quality metrics. The goals of the provider support program are to improve provider experience by decreasing time spent performing non-clinical tasks, improve patient experience by equipping providers with the tools, skills and support to make the visit more efficient and productive, and build goodwill and confidence with providers to be better positioned to incorporate more quality measures. This case study will explain the importance of real-time customized provider support, illustrate an adaptable training and support hierarchy, and provide concrete instructions on how to initiate and maintain a similar program with few resources. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations will be presented as evidence of continued success.