MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Social Media, Women and Patient Engagement (Room Room 210)

10 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Enhancing the Patient Relationship

When you ask physicians where their patient referrals come from, the majority will say, “Word of mouth.” Today’s referral is no longer just a verbal recommendation or a passed business card to a girlfriend or family member. The modern referral is a Facebook post to hundreds asking for recommendations, it is a plea in an online chat room for a specialist, a Google search, a website scan, a mobile app directory, a perusal of online reviews. This presentation will focus on the relevance of social media in healthcare, the power of the female voice in the social landscape, and how one of Florida’s largest MSOs is leveraging both social media and the female healthcare consumer to close the gap in patient engagement.