MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Developing the Business Acumen of Physician Leaders (Room Room 207)

10 Oct 17
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM

Tracks: Personal Growth and Leadership

Just as administrators would not presume to step in for a doctor, doctors should not be expected to take on administrative roles without additional training. Integrating physicians into leadership is crucial, as they offer insight into patient care, quality, and safety issues. However, to be an effective leader, physicians must move beyond their clinical expertise, think long term, understand larger issues, and work collaboratively. This requires training. This transition can be facilitated by providing physicians with foundational knowledge of the business of medicine with an emphasis on an organization's structure, strategy, finance and performance. Attend this session as a physician to gain this knowledge or attend this session as an administrator to arm yourself with the knowledge to take back to your physicians.