MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Healthcare Innovations Pavilion: How Addressing Social Determinants of Health Can Improve your Patients’ Healthy Days - with Andrew Renda (Room Hall CD, Booth #857)

Most of what makes us healthy and keeps us healthy happens outside of the clinical setting. That is why Humana is working with physicians and nonprofit organizations, businesses and government agencies to solve for some of the biggest barriers to health at a community level.  Through our Bold Goal initiative, a five year population health strategy, we are measuring unhealthy days by using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tool, Healthy Days. We are focused on addressing social determinants of health like food insecurity and social isolation through physicians’ practices. We are using a collective impact model and designing pilots around insights and measurements, which allows us to scale and prove our ROH (Return on Health). We believe that by working together to support you and your patients inside the office as well as outside the office, we can reduce medical costs and improve health. Health happens locally, it’s time we started to address it at its root cause.