WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019

e-POSTER: Application of Advanced Analytics in Wind Farms O&M

22 May 19
11:55 AM - 12:15 PM

Tracks: Performance and Reliability, Poster Presentations

Data is currently changing the wind industry and is marked by the growing presence of Advanced Analytics. But what does Advanced Analytics concretely represent for the operation and maintenance of wind farms? The main objective of this presentation is to shed light on some technological trends. First, a few concepts will be defined, with examples of possible applications in wind farm operation. Then a global methodology will be presented, detailing the key elements from source of data to concrete field actions. The focus of the presentation will be three case studies from utility-scale wind farms. The first case study shows the use of advanced analytics to monitor wind turbine major components including early failure detection of a main bearing. The second case study present a tool for gearbox and pad-mount transformer oil analysis. This tool integrates a user-friendly and efficient presentation of oil sample results in operators’ SCADA and operational data monitoring and visualization systems. The last case study presents the use of an artificial neural network for the evaluation of a wind turbine power performance optimization package. This methodology has sufficient precision to detect performance gains as low as 1% in term of annual energy production.