WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019

e-POSTER: Services powered by Analytics: reducing cost of energy, using data

22 May 19
11:30 AM - 11:55 AM

Tracks: Performance and Reliability, Poster Presentations

The electricity market requires more renewable energy for less money. Therefore, the wind industry is looking for ways to increase efficiency. Supported by smart digital technology, we are able to avoid unexpected downtimes of wind turbines, extend their lifetime and increase their power output, all contributing to lower the cost of wind energy. Recent developments in digital technology were introduced in a so-called Intelligent Gearbox, which is based on data. A “Digital Birth Certificate” represents the first part and contains data available after gearbox manufacturing. The Life Cycle Monitor comprises information from the entire lifespan of the gearbox, ranging from its service logbook to highly dynamic signals from monitoring systems on the drive train, to detect anomalies. The Intelligent Gearbox supports pro-active maintenance and optimization of repair actions on the drive train. Firstly, the service ensures the availability of the right spare parts for every individual gearbox at the right time and the right place. Secondly, monitoring solutions inside the Intelligent Gearbox indicate which particular wind turbine needs which repair solution. Wind turbines are typically designed to produce energy for 20 years. ZF’s Intelligent Gearbox enables an increase in the energy yield of wind turbines by allowing lifetime extension beyond the design life and thus, increasing power output beyond the design constraints.