2019 Annual Meeting

Nutritional Strategies to Improve Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD (Room Grand Ballroom 1)

01 Jun 19
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Credit-AAFP-P, Credit-ACPE, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-NASW, Credit-NBCC, Credit-PsyCE, Session Badge - Toolbox

CME:1.5  AAFP-P:1.5  CNE:1.5  CHES:1.5  PsyCE:1.5  NBCC:1.5  NASW:1.5  CPEU:1.5  ACPE:1.5 (UAN-0025-9999-19-087-L01-P)


After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe research on food patterns helping with depression.
  2. Describe food patterns helping with anxiety.
  3. Discuss nutritional considerations forADHD and bipolar disorder.
  4. Discuss practical strategies, barriers, and successes of nutritional strategies for mental health.

Program Abstract:
This presentation will provide an update on research developments show that certain nutritional strategies can have comparable benefits to medications or therapy for treatment of depression, anxiety. Nutritional strategies for adhd, and bipolar disorder will also be presented. There will be room for sharing and discussing strategies to help students improve nutrition to improve their mental health, as well as possible system/university level interventions.