2018 I/ITSEC - 9250

Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics to Optimize Training (Room S330H)

30 Nov 18
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Data analytics offers a principled approach to managing data and making it a valuable resource for understanding complex interactions and improving operations. The training community has unique needs and obstacles when attempting to implement a standard data analytics approach. Although technology enables the collection of data from a variety of sources and a number of aspects of training such as student records, training devices, student performance during training, and student daily activities, the collection, preparation, integration, and understanding of this wealth of data presents many obstacles as well as opportunities. This workshop will provide an overview of common and emerging data analytics methods as they relate to training data. One main focus will be the challenges associated with applying standard data analytics methods in a military training environment. Other topics covered will include how to prepare, transform, and store data for analysis, opportunities in data visualization, and privacy issues. The format of the workshop will involve lecture, and interactive question and answer sessions for each topic addressed. Participants are encouraged to bring up additional topics or examples of training data analytics applications.