2019 Pittsburgh AISTech

Applications for Portable XRF, OES and LIBS Analyzers in Steel and Metals Industries: A Guide for Selection (Room 412)

07 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Metallurgy - Processing, Products & Applications

Today’s demand for “high-end” steel grades has increased. Seventy percent of the material used in automobiles is steel, and current trends include car producers establishing steel plants. Production of high-quality steel requires intensive quality and process control. Based on optical emission spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), this presentation will discuss applications for hand-held, portable and mobile spectrometers in: scrap sorting, checking materials, automated control and inspection of plants. The presentation includes how to apply analyzers — a guide for the selection of the analytical technology; practical implications, limitations and benefits.