2019 Pittsburgh AISTech

Influence of Different European Pilot and Laboratory Coke Ovens and Coking Conditions on Coke Qualities (Room 403)

07 May 19
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Cokemaking/Ironmaking

DMT currently participates in the European research project ESTIVAL (ESTImation of coal VALue-in-use in terms of coke strength after reaction (CSR) under different carbonization conditions). The main objectives of the project are the understanding of the influence of carbonization conditions during coke production on CSR and other coke quality indices. Furthermore, the project investigates the effect of the differences between European testing equipment on the coke qualities. DMT will present the first results from the research project ESTIVAL that was carried out with a financial grant from the European Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.