Mensa AG 2018

On Islam: Muslims and the Media and Why It Matters (Room JW Grand Ballroom 8)

06 Jul 18
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Rosemary Pennington
The last year has seen an increase in both the number of hate crimes targeting Muslims as well as in the number of anti-Muslim hate groups in the United States. While some research suggests Americans' attitudes towards Muslims are improving, Muslims remain the least favorably viewed religious group in the United States. In this talk, Rosemary Pennington will discuss the role of American media in perpetuating stereotyped understandings of Islam and Muslims while also offering up suggestions for how media can do better. A former journalist and managing editor of the Muslim Voices podcast and Twitter account @muslimvoices, Pennington will also share insights from her experiences as a producer of media designed to challenge Islamophobia.