Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2018

e-Poster: Onshore Interconnection – A Critical, But Often Underestimated Element of Offshore Wind (Room Station 2)

17 Oct 18
10:50 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Posters, Siting, Wildlife & Environmental Monitoring

A critical but often underestimated aspect of offshore wind projects is the environmental permitting of the interconnections. The offshore project requires a suitable interconnection which supports the project’s transmission needs but avoids critical regulated/protected resources may be a significant challenge. Permitting may have a significant impact on project design, construction methods, schedule and cost, as wells as on future O&M. Inclusion of environmental permitting in early project planning is important for project success. An integrated planning process to identify potential environmental impacts and regulatory requirements for interconnects will be presented. Key environmental constraints such as threatened & endangered species, cultural and historical resources, wetlands, public lands, and land use conflicts will be discussed. Project case studies and examples will highlight key aspects of the planning and permitting process for onshore interconnections.