AGA PDT 2019

W101 - Plenary Session: Smarter Government — the Data, the Map, and the Method (Room Celstin Ballroom)

24 Jul 19
9:20 AM - 10:10 AM

Tracks: FOS: BMO (Business Management & Organization)

O’Malley will explain how new information technologies have changed the formula for effective leadership and management in the Information Age. Drawing from sometimes humorous and revealing stories about human nature gathered from his service as Mayor and Governor, O’Malley will layout a new way of governing which every public servant has the ability to call into action. But this is not your grandparent’s way of getting things done — it requires a radical commitment to openness and transparency. The courage to follow the data wherever it might lead. A relentless commitment to measuring the outputs of government on a real-time basis for all to see. It is all about producing better results — real-time — for real people.