KBIS 2020

Managing Business Growth for Profitability and Sanity: Taking Care of Yourself, Your Business and Your Bottom Line (Room N230)

21 Jan 20
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Grow Your Business

Managing a growing business can take business owners in the kitchen, bath and remodeling industry to the very limits of their personal, emotional, and financial resources and beyond. That’s when a business often takes on a life of its own and spirals out of control – frequently taking business owners on a crash course with it. The good news is there are sound and proven systems and strategies that can be learned and implemented to gain back control and, ultimately, reap the rewards that owners want and deserve in exchange for their risk and hard work. Understanding the 5 most fundamental business disciplines and the skills required to practice them and win is what Managing Business Growth delivers. Participants will receive a handout that will serve as a future resource and reference guide. Each will be prompted to document answers to five challenging business questions, rate themselves based on the current reality of their businesses and document an action plan that can be implemented immediately.

(Qualifies for 0.2 NKBA CEUs, 2.00 NAHB CE hours, 2.0 NARI CEUs)