KBIS 2020

Let's Design It! Designing a Successful Company in the Digital Age (Room N224)

21 Jan 20
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Grow Your Business

Make no mistake about it: a recognizable and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns. As an independent designer or small remodeling firm, you may be competing against big brands with devoted customers and unlimited marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to differentiate–and build a solid brand of your own. Branding is much more than just a cool logo or a well-placed advertisement. In this session, we'll discover key factors to make your company stand out, uncover your niche market, and showcase your brand identity in the digital age. Finally, we'll show what great brands do, and the building principles that separate the best from the rest!

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)