Railway Interchange 2019

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High – Part 1 (Room 206AB)

24 Sep 19
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

Tracks: RSI Leadership & Safety

After thirty years of research in two dozen industries involving 25,000 individuals, VitalSmarts observed leaders struggle with poor performance, stalled change initiatives, low productivity, and strained relationships—confirming that leaders who avoid talking honestly with the right people about the right issues can expert poor results.

On the other hand, top-rated leaders routinely employ skills that turn diverse thought into synergy and synergy into results by mastering crucial conversations. In short, when the stakes are high, opinions differ, and emotions run strong, the best individuals, teams, and organizations:

  • Speak up and encourage others to do the same—no matter the topic, power difference, or sensitivity of the subject.
  • Create an environment where people share their best ideas, make wise decisions, and then act on those decisions with conviction.
  • Speak persuasively, and not abrasively.

Crucial Conversations is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky topics—at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest quality decisions and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.

Based on the award-winning training program, Crucial Conversations, and the bestselling book of the same title, this program will guide audiences through the steps to mastering crucial conversations to achieve alignment, agreement, and execution.