Mensa AG 2019

Ningyo: An Overview of Japanese Dolls, Their Significance in Japanese Culture and History, and Their Influence on the Development of Western Dolls (Room Deer Valley)

04 Jul 19
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Japanese culture is currently a palpable influence on popular American culture, as manifest in anime films, manga graphic novels, BJD (ball jointed dolls), and sushi bars. Yet, Europe and America have been intrigued and influenced by Japan since Commodore Perry forced the opening of trade of Japan with the outside world in 1853. This presentation seeks to enlighten the American perspective with an overview of Japanese culture, steeped in Shinto values, and to portray the prominence and importance of ningyo – human figures or dolls – in the overall history, culture, and festivals of Japan. Along with a story of the author’s journey of seeking ningyo while living in Japan, a brief history of Japanese culture is presented. Ningyo are explored in the categories of ritual, guardian, and festival Ningyo; display Ningyo; and Ningyo for entertainment and play. Within these categories, the dolls can be compared with Western dolls by the materials from which they are made, including clay, wood, paper, fabric, and gofun (crushed oyster shell). Examples of many ningyo and reference books will be on view.