Mensa AG 2019

The High Price of Big Oil — Maimed Workers, Fracking, Cancer Clusters, and More (Room Deer Valley)

05 Jul 19
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Justin Williams
The oil and gas industry is credited as a powerful U.S. economic driver, but behind the industry’s big money PR machine are some dark and deadly truths. Drilling and refining workers are regularly maimed and killed in patently unsafe industrial and drilling environments, and communities near fracking sites are seeing skyrocketing cancer rates, all while oil companies cheat landowners with royalty schemes that would shock the worst financial predator. Justin Williams is a noted American trial lawyer who levels the playing field for the oil and gas industry’s victims. His courtroom victories have exposed Big Oil’s reckless disregard for its employees, unconscionable financial misconduct in royalty scams, and denial of deadly health risks near fracking sites. Learn the facts from a leading expert with atypical insights into this trillion-dollar industry. For more information, email